Premier Plus Solar

Premier Plus

Solar Systems

Residential And Commercial

Solar Services

Our team of experts is here to deliver tailored, high-quality solar solutions for homes and businesses. With our comprehensive range of services, we are dedicated to helping you harness the power of renewable energy. Whether you’re looking to save on electricity costs or reduce your carbon footprint, our top-rated solar solutions are designed to meet your needs. Discover the benefits of solar energy for your residential or commercial property with Premier Plus today!

Your Solar Benefits

Hover to click.

Cost Savings

Solar energy significantly reduces or eliminates electricity bills, providing long-term savings and reducing reliance on costly traditional energy sources.

Environmental Friendliness

Solar power is clean and renewable, emitting zero greenhouse gases. By switching to solar, you contribute to a healthier environment and reduce your carbon footprint.

Energy Independence

Solar panels enable you to generate your own electricity, reducing reliance on the grid and volatile energy prices. Enjoy stability and control over your energy needs, promoting energy independence.

Long-Term Investment

Solar panel installations offer substantial returns over time. With a lifespan of 25 years or more, they provide reliable energy production, potential savings, and an enduring investment opportunity.

Property Value Rises

Studies have shown that homes equipped with solar energy systems sell at a premium compared to non-solar homes, making it an attractive feature for potential buyers.

Tax Incentive

Federal tax credit pays 30% of cost of the system. Taking advantage of these financial benefits can further enhance the cost-effectiveness of your solar investment.

Net Metering

Any excess energy generated by your-panels is fed back into the grid, earning you credits. These credits can then be used to offset the electricity you consume when your panels are not producing enough energy, such as during nighttime or cloudy periods.

Payment Control

Payment control provides Solar owners the ability to choose payment structures that align with their needs, enabling them to budget effectively and maximize the financial benefits of solar energy.


Projects Completed In Last 5 Years


Happy Customers Who Trusted Us

"Experience the Power of Solar with Our Expert Installation Services."

By choosing Premier Plus Solar, you can take a significant step towards a cleaner, more sustainable future. Not only will you be contributing to a healthier planet, but you’ll also enjoy lower energy bills, increased property value, and potential tax incentives. Our team of experienced professionals will work with you every step of the way to design and install a solar system tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that you get the most out of your investment.

Join the growing number of individuals and businesses who are making the switch to clean, renewable energy today by choosing our solar installation company.

Benefits of Working With Premier Plus

25 Yr Workmanship Warranty

We are proud to offer a 25-year workmanship guarantee warranty, which surpasses the industry standard of 10 years. We stand behind the quality of our work and are committed to the satisfaction of our customers for the long term.

Our Partnerships

We prioritize delivering the highest quality service and products to our valued customers. That’s why we have established strategic partnerships with industry-leading companies to ensure that every aspect of your solar job is taken care of with utmost expertise.

Off-Set Guarantee

We offer an offset guarantee that ensures you maximize your energy savings. With our guarantee, we promise that your solar system will offset a specific percentage of your energy consumption. If your system does not meet the agreed-upon offset, we will take immediate action to rectify the situation and make sure you achieve the expected energy savings.

Making Solar Simple.

From start to finish

Step 1:
Consultation & Assessment

We start with a thorough consultation to assess the feasibility of solar for your property, evaluating energy goals, consumption, roof condition, and sun exposure to provide personalized recommendations and determine the optimal system size.

Step 2:
Customized System Design
Our skilled energy consultants design a custom solar system to meet your specific needs, selecting efficient panels, ensuring compliance with regulations, and prioritizing seamless integration with your property.
Step 3:
Professional Installation
Our experienced installation team and partners handle all aspects of installing your solar system, including panel mounting, wiring, inverters, and meters, while following safety protocols and best practices for a smooth process.
Step 4:
System Activation and Monitoring

After installation, we guide system activation, ensuring optimal connection to the grid. Our comprehensive monitoring tools enable tracking of energy production and consumption, empowering informed decisions for usage and savings.


The solar installation process typically takes anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the complexity of the project and the size of the system being installed.

The cost of a solar system installation is determined by factors such as the size of the system, the quality of the equipment, the complexity of the installation, any necessary roof modifications, and the location of the property.

In some cases, installing solar panels may require minor modifications to the roof, such as adding mounting brackets or ensuring the roof is structurally sound. However, these modifications are typically minimal and can be discussed during the initial

Solar panels typically come with manufacturer warranties that cover the equipment for 25 years or more. Additionally, reputable installation companies often provide workmanship warranties that cover the installation itself, ensuring peace of mind for the customer.

Yes, solar panels can still generate electricity on cloudy days. While their efficiency may be reduced compared to sunny days, modern solar panels are designed to capture and convert sunlight into electricity, even in less ideal weather conditions.

Yes, there are often government incentives and tax credits available for installing solar panels. These incentives vary by location but can significantly reduce the upfront cost of the installation, making solar
energy more affordable for homeowners and businesses.

The amount of savings on electricity bills after installing solar panels depends on factors such as the size of the system, energy consumption, local electricity rates, and the amount of sunlight available in the area. On average, homeowners can expect to save anywhere from 20% to 50% or more on their electricity bills.

Solar panels require minimal maintenance. Generally, it is recommended to inspect the panels annually for any dirt or debris that
may hinder their performance and to clean them if necessary. Additionally, it’s advisable to monitor the system’s performance regularly and ensure proper functioning. Professional maintenance may be required every 5 to 10 years, depending on the specific system and its components.

Types of solar installation service offered:

Roof Mount

Our solar panel installation team will attach a series of brackets or rails to your roof to provide a secure foundation for the panels. The solar panels are then attached to the rails using clamps or other mounting hardware. and wired together to create a complete solar system that can generate clean energy for your home or business.

Ground Mount

Ground-mounted solar sustems are a popular choice for horneowners and businesses who have limited roof space or prefer not to install solar panels on their roof. Our team will install a series of support structures, into the ground to hold the panels in place. The solar panels are then attachod to the support structures using clamps or other hardware and wired together to create a complete system that can generate clean energy.

Dual axis tracker

Solar panels on dual axis trackers are used to optimize the amount of sunlight that the panels receive each day. The dual axis tracker allows the solar panels to follow the sun's movement both vertically and horizontally, which maximizes the amount of solar energy that can be generated. This technology is especially beneficial for solar installations in areas with variable weather patterns or limited sun exposure.
